Dyed Emotions began as a trio in 1997, forming in Seattle, Washington during the tail-end of the grunge era. The group has been described as "synthpop", "electronic rock", "alternative", or as "having a 1980's sound", and has been compared to just about every random artist individual listeners think the band resembles in the moment (Phil Collins, Depeche Mode, New Order, Skinny Puppy, . Faith Assembly ...). To the credit of those struggling listeners, the band is difficult to pin down. It's synthpop ... but with guitar.It's an alternative to "alt rock" and "pop", but it's catchy. It's electronic ... but the songs feel organic. It's 1980's-inspired for sure ... but there's a different feel to it.
After tours, albums, contributions to compilations, and a lot of thinking in the wilderness, founding members Michael Raven and Arn Poe are joined by two new artists, and new music from the band is less than a month away.
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